Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crappie Catching Secrets For Every Fisherperson.

We all need a little help with the things we are passionate about every now and then. So many people have crappie catching secrets that we don't know about. It just doesn't seem fair when you seem them hauling in fish after fish does it?

We all have a tendency to fall back on the things we know. It's true that we learn from our experiences. Unfortunately, that doesn't always mean a new tactic might not be even better.

Fisherman in general tend to be a "stodgy" and "stubborn" breed. Some guys will tell you that: "my daddy told me to do it this way. If it was good enough for him it's good enough for me."

I guess the question becomes did your daddy haul in crappie by the boat load? If he did, then you better stick with what you already know.

Food and shelter are at the top of the list for every fish! They want to be fat, sassy and happy just like you and me. If it involves too much effort a big meal may not be worth it for them. It's a calculated risk every time they come out of a safe spot in the water.

Some of the really good fishermen out there are truly willing to mentor and help other folks out. They have had a good time in the sport but know it's selfish not to share the best way to catch crappie. After all, don't all of us have an obligation to share our wisdom with the next generation?

If you are just starting out there are some common sense things that will work almost every time. First of all, crappie are just like any other fish. They like to live where it is comfortable! If there isn't enough oxygen in a water column at a certain depth they are going to go deeper or higher up. Makes sense doesn't it?

You see we all have a tendency to make fishing more complicated than it really is. Most of the crappie catching secrets are not that complicated. Fish don't have very big brains. Survival is the number one priority!

Another thing that many people ignore is the condition of the water. If the boats are driving all over the place guess what? The fish are going to be somewhere else.

That's why you will generally have much better luck with crappie fishing tips tricks if you fish early in the morning or at night. That doesn't always apply though. Just keep in mind that your odds are better on a popular body of water.

There are times when just being on the water is a "little slice of heaven". For me, it really is my "sanctuary" at times. It's a release and a way to forget all my problems.

Here's to hoping that your fishing experiences are all enjoyable, fun and serene!

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